Why do we throw this event all about chocolate?
This time of year is special to us here at Orson Gygi, we wait (im)patiently all year for the weather to cool down, the leaves to change, and that time of year where we feel that need to bring back those nostalgic activities in the kitchen-especially those involving chocolate.
The Gygi Chocolate Extravaganza was created on a tradition we felt needed to be carried on. A meeting for chocolate enthusiasts to gather, share and of course indulge in our favorite kitchen ingredient-chocolate. We changed it from being a place to come shop and do a little learning (held at the South Towne Expo center) to a two-day event all about learning, sharing and still doing some indulging. We wanted it to be a smaller event, here at Orson Gygi, where local professionals could share their secrets and hopefully educate, inspire and share those recipes that can be passed on to your family for generations to come.
One of the perks of our job (and trust me- we have lots) has been the opportunity to hear so many of your stories of why you make what you do, why you purchase a certain type of chocolate, and your questions about how best to recreate a family recipe or idea. It’s honestly one of our favorite parts of the job. Carrying on those family traditions- chocolate cherries on the day after Thanksgiving, making Grandpa’s chocolate caramels only using Guittard’s dark chocolate (because that is what he uses), or everyone’s favorite fudge packaged up in metal tins to share with all the neighbors- we love hearing your reasons why. Your memories. Your traditions.
So, why do we throw this party? To keep traditions in the kitchen going. Whether you have a family favorite, or you are looking for a new one to start, we want to help you make those memories in the kitchen. We offer a large amount of classes, invite everyone to join us, open our doors, and hopefully get your bellies full of chocolate. As a thank you for over 65 years of business, memories and fun- its our way of thanking you for allowing us to be a part of your traditions.
We hope you plan on joining us.
Check out our registration site here.
Marlyn Dillon
November 16, 2017 at 8:47 amDo you have some instructions and tips for molding chocolates? I took classes years ago but I’m sure things are different now.
Heather Smith
November 28, 2017 at 11:10 amWe would be happy to help! What types of questions do you have? You can also email us at classes@gygi.com