Crispy Smoked Broccoli

Give us a minute to convert you to the goodness that is Smoked Broccoli. I’ve always been the kind of eater who enjoys a plate full of vegetables. And that love for vegetables only deepens when the weather turns cool, and I roast every vegetable I can think of in the oven. Cauliflower, check. Carrots, check. Sugar snap peas, check check (try them!). And broccoli, I’ve always loved roasted broccoli. Then we smoked it. I’m forever changed.

The florets become crispy and full of flavor and the stems are tender and smoky. They only need a slight drizzle of oil, to avoid scorching, and a sprinkle of kosher salt and freshly ground pepper. And that’s that. The most delicious broccoli you might ever eat.

Crispy Smoked Broccoli

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  • 2 heads of broccoli
  • 2 Tbsp vegetable oil
  • Kosher Salt
  • Freshly Ground Pepper



Heat smoker to 375 degrees.


Prepare the broccoli by trimming the florets and stems.


Toss broccoli in oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.


Place broccoli in a grilling basket and place on grate of smoker (or grill). Smoke for 30-40 minutes until the broccoli is crisp on the outside and tender in the middle.


Devour immediately!

This recipe is very forgiving on the type of wood you choose to smoke with. Anything will be delicious. Also, we love to throw a basket of broccoli in with most everything we make, so the temperature does not need to be exact. If you’re cooking at a higher temperature, just check your broccoli more often. If it’s a lower temperature, allow it to cook for longer. You really can’t mess it up!

Here’s the broccoli and our Thanksgiving stuffing sharing the smoker.

Check out our other Thanksgiving posts to make the perfect smoked Thanksgiving dinner!!

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