Life is better in the kitchen! Let’s make it a fun place to be.
Come along with us through the Kitchen Cleanup with Gygi as we clean your kitchen – one appliance at a time! When we’re done with this, we’ll have a functional, stream-lined cooking environment that calls you back day after day.
We feel pretty passionate about our space in the kitchen. Powerful feelings take place here. It’s a space to create, comfort, and share our time and talents with people we love. But sometimes, it is just a space to get stuff done!
The kitchen is definitely the hub of our home and it can easily be taken for granted. Before we know it, we are living with overstuffed drawers, crusty appliances, stinky drains, and messy surfaces. A cluttered space leads to a cluttered mind. We know from experience.

So, for this “challenge” we are choosing to overcome one area each day. But you could spread the tasks out over a month or two. It doesn’t matter when it gets done. We just know that you will love treating your hardworking appliances and food prep areas with a little love.
The time you devote to cleaning will make your kitchen more efficient and fun – confirming that Life is Better in the Kitchen.


Kitchen Cleaning Products You’ll Love Having Around
These are truly our go-to products when it comes to cleaning and maintaining the Gygi kitchens. And trust us, these kitchens get a lot of use, but we wouldn’t have it any other way!

Print this checklist off, hang it on your fridge and work your way through the list. Your kitchen will thank you for it!
Thanks for being a part of our Kitchen Cleanup with Gygi. Share this list with a friend and join our cleaning party on Instagram.