Cinnamon Chip White Bread

We can’t share all about bread pans and then not give you a delicious recipe to try out. And you know how much we love our bread (see here and here for just a couple of our favorites. Yum!) So, we are kicking off this bread-baking season with sweet and delicious white sandwich bread, but this time with an added twist – our favorite Gygi cinnamon chips. We tried a couple of recipes and found this cinnamon chip white bread to be a perfect blend of buttery, cinnamony sweetness. If you’ve been here for a while, you’ll know that we are constantly raving about our love for our Gygi cinnamon chips. And while we can think of a million uses for them, this recipe alone warrants having cinnamon chips in your pantry. Trust us, it’s a game-changer!

slices of cinnamon chip white bread

One thing we love about this cinnamon chip white bread is the chance to mix the cinnamon chips into the dough while you knead it, to disperse the cute little bursts of flavor. Or, to create a beautiful swirl, you can add the cinnamon chips as you shape the dough and roll it into a loaf. We honestly like both ways and can’t decide which is our favorite.

cinnamon chip white bread dough

While the slices of this cinnamon chip white bread are perfect as is, we can’t wait to try popping them in the toaster or dipping them in egg batter for French toast. Luckily this recipe makes two loaves! So we can enjoy one fresh out of the oven and still save the other for breakfast later. The kids couldn’t wait to break into these loaves and, to be honest, neither could we.

Cinnamon Chip White Bread

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Serves: 2 Loaves
Prep Time: 2 hours Cooking Time: 25-30 minutes Total Time: 2 hours 30 minutes


  • 2 cups warm water
  • 2 ½ tsp yeast
  • ½ Tbsp sugar
  • ¼ cup melted butter
  • ½ Tbsp salt
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • ½ cup evaporated milk
  • 5-7 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 cups cinnamon chips
  • Shortening
  • Oil (we used Extra Virgin Olive Oil)



Place yeast and 1/2 Tbsp sugar in a small bowl. Pour the warm water over the top and let it stand for 15 minutes.


In a stand mixer, combine butter, salt, sugar, & evaporated milk.


Once the yeast is nice and foamy, add it to the stand mixer with 3 cups of flour. Mix with the dough hook on slow-medium speed until incorporated.


While mixing, add 2 cups flour and combine until incorporated. Toss in the cinnamon chips and mix just until incorporated. Then switch to ½ cups of flour and continue adding just until the dough stops sticking to the sides of the bowl.


Coat the sides of the mixing bowl and the top of the dough with shortening. Cover the bowl with a warm towel and set aside to let the dough rise over the rim of the bowl (approx. 1 ½ hrs).


Use oil to grease two 8 ½” x 4 ½” loaf pans.


Turn dough out onto a floured surface and knead for 2-3 minutes. Cut dough in half and use a rolling pin to roll out the sections into a rough rectangle (approx. 8x12”). Don’t overwork the dough. Use the width of your bread pan as a guide.


Using your fingers, gently finish shaping the dough so it is an even layer. Then roll dough from top to bottom, pinch the seams on the ends, and tuck them under slightly to create tension for the top of the loaf.


Dip the top of the loaf in the oiled pan and then flip to place seam side down. Let the dough rise until it looks like a loaf (approx. 40 minutes). Before baking, gently brush the top of the loaf with oil for a smooth, chewy crust.


Preheat the oven to 350℉. Bake the loaves for 25-30 minutes (rotating halfway through for nice even baking) until the tops are golden brown and the internal temperature is about 190℉. Remove from the oven and let stand in the pan for 5 minutes before turning out and sitting on the cooling rack.


Let cool for 30 minutes before slicing.


Loaf pans should be the standard 8 ½” x 4 ½” for a nice tall, beautifully domed loaf. But other pan sizes could work as well. These would make awesome mini-loaves to hand around to neighbors to celebrate the autumnal equinox.

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  • Beverly Hayes
    December 12, 2023 at 8:25 am

    When I say melted, I mean they actually disappeared. You can’t see the bursts of cinnamon like in the picture–they dissolved into the dough. JUst wanted to clarify!

    • london
      December 18, 2023 at 12:30 pm

      Hi! If you want the cinnamon chips to remain intact, we recommend adding them at the very end and just folding them in before letting the dough rise.

  • Beverly Hayes
    December 12, 2023 at 8:23 am

    Hello! I made this recipe and substituted the butter for olive oil and the sugar for honey. The taste was delicious! However, the chips melted into the dough, even though I followed your process perfectly as indicated in step 4. Would it be best to add the chips after adding all the flour to avoid this?

  • Cathy D
    May 20, 2023 at 8:45 pm

    I am not a bread maker, but I tried this today and it was OUTSTANDING and very easy!

    This will be made a lot in our kitchen!!
    Thank you!