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Tips & Tricks

Peter's Caramel

How To Melt Peter’s Caramel

Let’s face it, we love our caramel. But what do we usually decide to do with our giant loaf of Peter’s? Melting! The melted caramel works so well when…

peter's caramel

FAQs About Peter’s Caramel

Peter’s Caramel is beloved by pastry chefs, bakers, and confectioners alike. And if you have been a long-time follower of Gygi’s you know exactly how much we love this…

peter's caramel

4 Reasons We Love Peter’s Caramel

Sick of having to always make your own homemade caramel from scratch? Or are your fingers hurting from unwrapping all of those tiny little pre-made caramels? Peter’s Caramel is…

bread pan

Bread Pan Showdown

Here in the Gygi Kitchen we decided it was time again for another pan showdown (reminiscent of our Cake Pan Showdown). And because it is inching closer into fall,…

Home Canning: Pressure Canning

So many of us are slightly petrified of the idea of a hissing, pressurized “bomb” in our kitchen. Pressure canners can indeed malfunction if not used properly. Yikes! But…

Tomatoes 101

Welcome back to the Gygi classroom! We are happy to have you join us as we explore a garden-harvest favorite. Tomatoes!…