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We can help plan your party.

Easter Egg Dyeing with Gel Paste Colors

Want beautifully colored eggs without running to the store for supplies?? Use your gel paste colors you’ve been putting in your frosting and macarons. All it takes is mixing…

Chocolate Covered Raspberries

I honestly can’t believe we haven’t shared this recipe (if you can even call it that!) sooner. Chocolate covered raspberries have been the pinnacle of decadence at our house…

Sugar Cookie Chocolate Covered Popcorn

We love chocolate covered anything at Orson Gygi. But we will always hold a special place in our hearts for chocolate covered popcorn. We sell thousands of pounds of…

Gygi Gift Guide 2019

We feel it our duty to offer you some real-life solutions to your gift giving troubles by giving you each staff member’s number one gift item! With the variety…

Melting Christmas Tree Hot Cocoa

At first sight, this Christmas Tree looks like a tasty treat. You may be tempted to take a little nibble! But may we suggest a superior way to enjoy…

guide to turkey

The Gygi Guide to Thanksgiving

Whether it’s your first time making a Thanksgiving feast or if you’ve been preparing the feast for twenty years, Thanksgiving has a way of bubbling up all sorts of…