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We can help plan your party.

Pumpkin Boo-scotti

This deliciously festive pumpkin biscotti recipes gets “spookified” with some simple white chocolate and candy eyes. This recipe works great with our pumpkin biscotti recipe, or any homemade biscotti…

Caramel 101

We’ve used Peter’s Caramel for years now. We’ve definitely learned a few things to make your caramel experience much more rewarding. Find our best tips and tricks all about…

Irish Potato Candy

These might look like potatoes, but this is actually a photo of Irish Potato Candy! Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a new treat and enjoy a little luck of the…

Classic Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe

    Serve up a sophisticated version of a instant crowd pleaser with our classic ice cream sandwich recipe. It’s the tastier option that makes it look like you…

Coconut Strawberry Italian Soda

Strawberry Coconut Italian Soda

Italian sodas are a great way to stay cool all summer long. We love the strawberry coconut italian soda combination, but the flavor combinations are endless.  When it comes…

Cast Iron Skillet Pizza Recipe

Cast Iron Skillet Pizza

Whether you’re upgrading your camping cookouts or adding a new weekday staple to the mix, our Cast Iron Skillet Pizza will do the job. Cook it over an open…