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We can help plan your party.

The Gygi Guide to Decorating Bags

Are you a piping bag user? You better be! Step aside Ziploc bag, this town isn’t big enough for the 2 of us! The piping bag is an ESSENTIAL…

The Gygi Guide to Buttercream Frosting

Just like cake, buttercream is our favorite accessory. Paint is to Artist as Frosting is to Baker! When we are talking about decorating, we can’t skip out on the…

The Gygi Guide to Decorating

We love a yummy treat. And while we fully believe that food does not have to be perfect in order for it to be tasty, we also believe that…

Fancy Homemade Peeps

Easter feels more special when you’ve got a few festive friends to join your hunt! Homemade Peeps are a crowd pleaser for adults and children alike! These little marshmallow…

The Gygi Guide to Sprinkles

Ohhhhhkay. We really love sprinkles around here. You, too? Of course you do. We’ve yet to meet an enemy of the sprinkle. They turn everything (even a bowl of…

Easter Celebrations

The warming of the weather, changing of the season, birds are chirping, and flowers are blooming- and we are ready to celebrate with some fun Easter (or Springtime!) celebrations.…

St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations

Who doesn’t want a little luck of the Irish? We’re celebrating all month long with some simple and fun Irish-themed traditions. Here are a few ideas to help you…