German pancakes, traditionally derived from the German word, Pfannkuchen, have become a household dish for many. The slightly sweetened puff, that falls shortly after being removed from the oven, is…
Looking for a unique gift that’s highly customizable and borders on ridiculously simple? Then infused sauces and syrups are the way to go. Just start with either a crowd-pleasing chocolate…
Picking out gifts for loved ones can be the highlight of the holiday season, but spending a few frantic hours in a crowded mall in an attempt to find…
Tis the season for twinkly lights, carols, shopping for loved ones, building snowmen, and strolling through the streets while light snow falls. And nothing goes with every winter activity quite…
After your tryptophan-induced food coma wears off, bake this easy treat using sweet potato leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner. This tasty treat pairs perfectly with your warm beverage of choice, a…
This year’s Chocolate Extravaganza was a huge success! We had so much fun mingling with all of you that attended and learning chocolate tips and recipes from the amazing…
Chocolate covered popcorn is always a crowd favorite, and this easily-customized snack is perfect for giving as a gift in cute bags, or setting out for people to nosh…